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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Vacation = Studio Time

August is a good time for me to take a vacation, since this is the time that least effects my job.  I have been  looking forward to taking time off so I can work in the studio and prepare for November's art sale. 

Here is a recap: in April, my artist friends and I had an outdoor art sale in my front yard.  One of my artist friend's has a house on a busier street......... so for November's sale we will be in her yard.  We are all very excited about the change of venue.  

Even though during April's sale I did some things right, I still had some failure moments.  Like when my art prints took flight from the "clothesline" display idea I had.  Oh well.  Anyway fast forward, I really want to have a display wall to hang my original watercolors.  Of course I am on a budget and even though the metal grid walls are very functional I really don't want to spend that kind of money. So, that is when I purchased vintage wood screen doors.  Finally, I built the feet and tested out the functionality of my idea...........and with great relief it works.  Check it out: 

Freestanding Door for Art Display

Here is what I purchased to make these:

6 pieces of 2" x 3" lumber ($4 each)

4 metal inexpensive shelf brackets ($2 each) 

4 decorative metal shelf brackets ( $7 each)

8 metal stakes to push into grass ( $2 each)

Of course I had screws, glue and miter box for cutting. 

Here are the details:

40" length of feet with holes in the front and back to push metal stakes through

Predrill holes

30" tall vertical to hold door in place.  (One in front and one in back which makes like a sandwich. ) Vertical wood pieces were predrilled, glued and then screwed in place with 3" screws. 

Decorative shelf bracket secures the front of the wood and inexpensive white metal secures the back.

Metal shelf brackets to secure wood

 My tent size is 10' x 10'.  The doors are approx. 3' wide so with two of them that will fill one side wall  with room to spare.

I hope this blog helps someone with the freestanding door idea.  It works!

Keep creating.

My best..............Christin