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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Storage solution for paper paintings

Studio update:  Storage and organization.  So, I have been producing new paintings; however, storage and protecting my completed paintings have been an issue. With an outdoor shed converted into a studio, little critters such as lizards,  find my studio as a heaven on earth.  Yes the little buggers, are waiting at my studio door ready to enter as I open the door to begin a painting session.  

Already one painting was tossed into the trash after a lizard relieved itself on it.  Here is where I get frustrated.  

 So my main concern with storage is how to protect my watercolors while they are in different stages and once they are complete.  ( Since we live in a small house, I really want the artwork to stay in the studio....not in the house) 

Solution:  chest of drawers.  Chest of drawers are narrow and tall.....that works for my space.  After a couple of weeks of looking around on garbage pick up day and not coming up with a set of chest of drawers, I realized it was time to hit the junk store.  (Mind you I have upcycled all my furniture in the studio)  I was very lucky!  The first store Glenn and I went to we purchased a nice chest of drawer that needed a little TLC..........nothing difficult.  

Check it out:

Perfect size

However, I wasn't happy with the brown stain.........too dark for the studio space.  So I repainted the chest of drawers  to match my desk.

Check it out:

Heirloom White

Lined with vinyl inside drawers

I was very fortunate that Mother Nature held her rain for two straight days I was able to knock this project out.  

Already I started to organize the drawers and fill with watercolor drawings.   The chest of drawers was a great solution at a minimal cost.  All total I spent $80.00 (for chest, paint, and lining) What a deal!

Here is a detail shot of my latest painting (which will now be safe from lizards)

Untitled for now